Introduction to Biophilia: Reading ‘Losing Eden’ by Lucy Jones

by Michelle Boelee

December 4th, 2023 | Bio-philia
Are you familiar with the concept of biophilia? I wasn’t until some years ago, after I stumbled upon the concept while reading. In this blog post I will share with you (a re-post about) the concept biophilia and my first encounter and exploration of the concept: reading the book Losing Eden by Lucy Jones.
I wrote the text below a few years ago already, and originally posted it in an instagram post. As the content is actually better suited as a (short) blog post, I’ve decided to share it here as well, and publish it as my very first post about biophilia, to introduce the concept. 🌳♥️
My first encounter with the concept
I wasn’t (really aware of it) until last Christmas Holiday [I think Christmas of 2021?], when reading the book Losing Eden: Why our minds Need the Wild (Jones, 2020), but it just clicked immediately with such a familiar feeling as I was reading about it: it felt like some pieces of a puzzle – I didn’t know I was making – came together. Thát was that feeling what I felt and feel when I am nature, the peace it gives me. Something so familiar, something that’s so pure, simply human nature. Pure awe. Pure peace. In love. 🌿
My reading-journey
What’s the book ‘Losing Eden’ about?
And there it began: how one book led to another

So, what is biophilia?
‘The biophilia concept is Wilson’s notion that humans have an innate and emotional affiliation to life, life-like processes and other living organisms. Our tendency to be drawn towards living things – from asking our parents a pet hamster to leaving flowers on the grave of a loved one – is, according to Wilson, the expression of a biological need with a genetic basis. Humans depend on nature for more than good, he argues. We have an evolutionair need to connect with the natural world for cognitive, mental, emotional and spiritual development, growth, meaning and fulfillment. Without contact with the natural world, we become impoverished.’
Jones (2020) remarks that it was and remains an hypothesis, but introduces some interesting evidence and arguments (written in such a way everyone understands but it doesn’t make academic-teacher-me cringe). Throughout the whole book the concept of biophilia and the merit of the hypothesis of biophilia is a recurring theme – and (obviously) closely connected to the question of why we need nature. 🌳♥️
Why we need Nature
Next book on my reading journey

Fast forward to 2023…
Funny thing is… I still have to finish the Overstory, but it’s definitely high on my reading list! I will have to start reading it all over again, most probably, to be able to read the remainder of the story with all details in mind. It’s quite a thick book, not suited for travelling with, which made me start reading other books. But… it’s a good book to be reading just before bed, I suppose. Which is exactly what I will start doing again – I am hereby telling myself. I am currently reading about hedges: the amazing benefits of having hedges and the tradition of hedges and hedge-laying (Rijsdijk, 2022), which will remain my morning reading. And in the meantime, my overall interest in biophilia, eco-psychology, ecology, climate change, biodiversity, plants, trees and gardening have only grown. I hope this blog post has provided you a sufficient introduction to the concept of biophilia, with some reading tips 📚
Love, Michelle

Buhner, S. H. (2013). The Lost Language of Plants: The Ecological Importance of Plant Medicines to Life on Earth. Chelsea Green Publishing Co.
Jones, L. (2020). Losing Eden: Why our Minds need the Wild. Penguin Books.
Powers, R. (2018). The overstory. W. W. Norton.
Rijsdijk, K. F. (2022). HEG: Een behaaglijk landschap voor mens en natuur. Noordboek Natuur.
Wilson, E. O. (1986). Biophilia: The Human Bond with other Species. Harvard University Press.
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